Intensification of Rare-metal Technologies





+7 (495) 913 39 67
+7 (903) 193 05 54

 119313 Moscow, Russian Federation  95 Lenin Prospect,


Disposal of waste chromium production

хромовые шламохранилища


 The technogenic waste chrome productions contain 8-10% chromium, including water-soluble six-valent chromium, which is one of the most toxic industrial wastes accumulating and poisoning water, soil, causing a negative impact on the life of all living organisms. These wastes are accumulated for decades and continue accumulating, causing enormous damage to environment. 

                                             LTD. "INRAMTECH" for effective neutralization (disposal) of toxic waste offers:  The sludge  mono chromate production and chromium wastewater processing extraction technology", which allows you to remove chromium up to maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of these types of waste and return the extracted chromium to the production cycle in the form of conditional compounds of Cr (VI).            

          The physical-chemical basis of the technology:                                                           1. Extraction concentration of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions using the extraction polymerization processes. The Polymerization extraction allows recycle solution containing Cr (VI) from 0.01 g/l. The degree of concentration of Cr (VI) in the solution after processing: 100 g/l. 

  2. The realization of "CHEMICAL PUMP" principle. This principle allows to secure the recovery: Cr (VI) - 99,99%; Cr (III) - 99,8%.

        The technology has the following advantages:  

  1.  The technology allows to involve the maximum amount of waste refining, both suits the extraction of chromium compounds from waste accumulated in the sludge ponds, and the current production waste - waste solutions and slurries. 

  2.  Provides the environmental problems solution due to the extraction of Cr (VI) and Cr (III) to the maximum permissible level (MPL)

  3. Technology is highly profitable due to: 

  • obtaining the major commodity products waste in the form of the following chromium compounds: the mono chromate potassium or sodium ; dichromate or sodium; CrO3; Cr2O3. 
  • extracting possibilities of additional commodity products (basic magnesium carbonate, (main raw material for the cement industry). 
  • use of high-performance technology solutions that allow

а) converting Cr (III) into a water-soluble Cr (VI) a single step without autoclaves at the atmospheric pressure and at low temperature: 70 oC with heat recovery from the current production; 

b) concentrating the target component in the tens and hundreds of times, increasing the concentration of Cr (VI) in aqueous solutions of 0.01 g / L to 50-100 g / l without evaporation.

  • High performance and efficiency of the process duration extraction process of chromium is about 1.5-2 hours. 
  • Low consumption of reagents and their use in recycle technological losses not exceeding 3-5%.
  • Use of standard equipment of carbon steel.

   LTD. "INRAMTECH" will develop and implement the disposal of chromium-containing sludge technology and process solutions, at a new or existing production site taking into account the characteristics of your existing raw materials, the needs for expansion of product lines through the production of liquid commodity products, as well as strategies dealing with industrial waste.